What is the Meaning of Life?

Poetry that I wrote back in high school. Nothing major. I just haven't written any poetry in awhile, well, unless you count the sarcastic stuff that I can't show to anyone.

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Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States

Just for the record, my opinions, hopes, dreams, etc., are just that. They have absolutely no reflection on my employer. Not that I'm going to tell you who that is... I am the (self proclaimed) Queen of the Universe. Join my cadre of loyal subjects and all will be well in your world. My mantra is "Embrace Chaos. Adore Chaos. Give Chaos a big kiss on the mouth." NEW mantra this week - "No one ever suspects the socks." Email me at greenduckiesgirl(at)comcast(dot)net

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Suicide On The Inside

A splash.
Sinking slowly, hair streaming.
Lying on the bottom.
Feeling rough coral reef.
Smelling seaweed rot.
A vision of my old life passes before my now dead eyes,
I am rising.
Gravity holds her force over me one last time.
A splash.
Breaking the surface.
Spectators scream in horror.
Man swims out,
tries to save me.
Tears on my face are not my tears
but yours and the Sea's.
tears on your face because you did me wrong.
didn't care enough to love me.
Only to use me.
Fall on my face,
taste of salt.
Now that I am gone,
the cycle will continue.
Your turn is next.
The Sea will claim a new victim.
A splash.
Sinking slowly, hair streaming.

Okay, I wrote this in 1985. A group of us at my high school were picked to attend this workshop. I was in the poetry workshop and the leader decided to have us all write a poem based on one element, we had to include a coral reef. It took me maybe 15 minutes to write? The leader asked for volunteers to read their poems and after listening to this guy read this rambling about someone named Bill (there is a Roseanne episode where Darlene is going to read her poem and the guy that goes before her rambles about a bird. It was very similar to the Bill poem), I decided to read mine. I finish. There is complete silence. One person whispers "Wow." That was it. It's actually one of my favorites. Well, I told you I was depressed in high school.


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