What is the Meaning of Life?

Poetry that I wrote back in high school. Nothing major. I just haven't written any poetry in awhile, well, unless you count the sarcastic stuff that I can't show to anyone.

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Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States

Just for the record, my opinions, hopes, dreams, etc., are just that. They have absolutely no reflection on my employer. Not that I'm going to tell you who that is... I am the (self proclaimed) Queen of the Universe. Join my cadre of loyal subjects and all will be well in your world. My mantra is "Embrace Chaos. Adore Chaos. Give Chaos a big kiss on the mouth." NEW mantra this week - "No one ever suspects the socks." Email me at greenduckiesgirl(at)comcast(dot)net

Monday, May 31, 2004

As Time Goes By

Crystal rain falls
leaking out of my eyes.
Looking in my broken mirror
(seven bad years, don'tcha know?),
I see the reflection so clearly.
The image of my heart,
bleeding slowly,
tear and shatter.
a shattered image of what could have been.
A lost love,
passing time
doesn't heal me any quicker.
The tears
(crystal rain,
so lovely but it hurts so much)
can't stop.
The agony will never end.
We came from different worlds,
different times,
and can never meet again.
One brief moment was all we had.
One fleeting memory of the love we shared.
As time goes by,
will you think of me?
For I will always remember you.
I will always love you
as time goes by.

My God, was I depressed or what? I vaguely remember where I got the crystal rain from, it was the name of a band someone I knew was in. I think. Well, it was over 15 years ago. My romantic life was, well, fairly pathetic (hmm, nothing seems to have changed in 15 years) and this was written about Steve, who I was completely obsessed with. I remember writing this in the bathroom of a bar, staring at myself in the mirror and writing this will tears were streaming down my face as I sobbed over the injustice that he just didn't want me. Now, of course, I realize that I'm actually quite lucky that none of my relationships ever worked out. But still, he was hot, drove a Mustang and was in a band...and had total 80's rock star hair, long and black. God, I'm old. I had a crush on a guy with a mullet.

You know what's worse about that, actually? The fact that he read this and actually gave me advice on it, even knowing full well it was about him. Bastard.


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